Phrozen 自動抽注料機 - Sonic Mega 8K S專用

促銷價$999.00 原價$1,199.00
節省 $200.00

- 具自動偵查,缺料時可自動注料
- 列印後自動吸料,清潔料糟不怕打翻樹脂

Phrozen Pump & Fill eliminates both issues with its Resin Auto-Fill and Resin Auto-Pump functions:
‧ Resin Auto-Fill Function: Automatically add resin mid-prints when the sensor detects your vat is running low on resin. No need to worry about prints failing due to insufficient resin because you’ll always have enough.
‧ Resin Auto-Pump Function: Automatically suck the leftover resin back into the bottle once you finish printing so it’s easier and safer when you clean the vat.
‧ Immediate Resin Pump: Turn the suction feature manually when you want to clean up your vat.

Pump Case X1 
Pump Lid X1 
Empty Resin Bottle X1 
Inlet Component X1 (Including Inlet Hose, Servo Cable, and Sensor Cable) 
Pump Data Cable X1 
Lid Data Cable X1 
Peristaltic Tube X1

Compatible bottle height: ≤ 210 mm 
Compatible bottle diameter: ≤ 90 mm 
The peristaltic tube is consumable.
Please replace it every 6 months